‘Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus.’ Or are they? Maria Edgeworth’s essay, ‘The Noble Science of Self-Justification’

At least until Virginia Woolf, the art of the essay was a predominantly male tradition with the essay seen as a form in which the learned man (often in middle or old age) addresses his readers as if conversing at a table during dinner among friends. While the last hundred years have seen the rise... Continue Reading →

Suspension: An Essay on Flying

Suspend (verb) Temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect. Hang from somewhere. No matter how often I fly, my body never feels prepared for that moment when the plane leaps off the ground. I have been on planes often enough to know the routine well…the taxying, the turning, the standing still, the... Continue Reading →

Echoes in Amiens

​This week, I am in Amiens, France, to speak at a conference on 'Echoes of Echo in British Literature from the Renaissance to the Present'. I've chosen to speak about William Hazlitt's very frequent quoting (and misquoting) of William Shakespeare in his essays. You can get more information as well as catch a glimpse of... Continue Reading →

Today, we look at Charles Lamb (1775-1834), who many consider to be one of the greatest English essayists of all time. A contemporary and friend of key minds and writers of the time, including Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Hazlitt, Lamb is not read as widely as he should be. This, I believe, is a pity not... Continue Reading →

What is an ‘essay’?

To understand what an 'essay' is, you have to read as many essays as possible. The term is incredibly flexible, as shown for instance, in Carl H. Klaus and Ned Stuckey-French's edited book, Essayists on the Essay: Montaigne to Our Time (University of Iowa Press, 2012). This book brings together an impressive range of texts in... Continue Reading →

And even those who declare themselves to be in favour of freedom of opinion generally drop their claim when it is their own adversaries who are being prosecuted.

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